Wednesday, July 13, 2011

BIG GIRL with "SPARKLY" ears!

Mae, ever the girl, has always LOVED shiny sparkly earrings and I have told her that when she was ready we would go and get her ears pierced. I wanted to be honest with her so she knew what she would be getting herself into so I told her it felt like a shot in her ears and up until a few days before her 3rd birthday, and that would put a stop to it right there...BUT with Mae turning 3, she decided that she was ready and when she decides something--who am I to stand in her way??? So I took her to a jewelry store by our house, still not 100% sure that we would come home with her ears pierced. Well, they took their merry time getting all step up, and Mae picked out her sparkly star earrings and waited sooooooo patiently. When they actually did it, she cried for about 30 seconds, that was until she saw her "sparkly ears" and with that and her lollipop she was right as rain! She was sooooooo excited to get home and show her dad and Lu her ears!

I CANNOT BELIEVE HOW BIG MY GIRL IS GETTING!!! WHERE DID THE TIME GO?!! I'm so glad I got to be a part of this special day!