Thursday, August 25, 2011

False Alarm...

I got a call from my doctor asking if I wanted to move up my c-section from Monday, Aug. 15th to Wednesday, Aug. 10th and since nothing was happening--I JUMPED at the chance. So, Coby's parents were here and great enough to take the girls and we went out Tuesday night to celebrate out little #3 being there in the morning. Well we got up BRIGHT and EARLY and got to the hospital at 6:00am to get ready for the c-section at 8:00. When we got to the OB department, I saw the nursery all full with babies and started getting sooooooo excited to have my own there soon in just a few hours. Well, they started getting me all set up, when the nurse came in and told me they were booked FULL and would not be able to do my c-section that day. I was soooooooo disappointed and frustrated, but I also realized there was nothing they could do about it--babies come when they come-- and if they don't have the space for any more elective ones, they simply don't have the space. So me and Coby ended up leaving without a baby :( and hit up the 7-11 (not the convenience store) for a little early breakfast on our way...

On our way out the door to "have our baby"--ha!

Guess Monday it is then!