Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Happy Easter!

We all know I'm a little late in posting this, but oh well, at least its getting done... For Easter, Coby's parents had a little Easter party for the kids where they made Fruit Loop necklaces and had an inside Easter egg hunt (as the weather was no cooperating)! What a fun time we had!
Mae mostly loved eating the Fruit Loops, so thank yo Nana for getting that necklace made!

Showing off Nana's masterpiece

The hunt is on!


We celebrated Easter at our house a few days early because we were going up to Ogden on the actual day and didn't want to haul any more stuff than we had to. The Easter Bunny didn't know what to bring the girls because what do you get someone who literally needs nothing, but he settled on a set of golf clubs, a ball, a bunny for each, bubbles and "The Princess and the Frog" (Mae's new favorite show)!

Cobes showing Mae how its done...

Lu really excited about the ball!

Mae admiring her new show!

We had a WONDERFUL Easter with our two girls! It is always easy to get caught up in the festivities and to forget what the real message behind Easter is. I am always amazed at the different perspective you gain as you become a parent. With these two sweeties, so full of life and growing every day, I realized just how important it is & just how grateful I am for the sacrifice our Savior made for us.