Thursday, August 25, 2011

Emme Joy Coonradt

She's HEEEEREEEE!!! Finally on Monday Aug. 15th, Emme Joy Coonradt was born at 7:09am, weighing 7lbs 8oz and was 19 inches long! We had been all over the place on her name, but the Saturday before we had officially settled on Emme Joy for a few reasons. I really wanted to name her after my great-grandma, Elma, but could not quite get on board with the name Elma and I think Emme does a good job honoring her in a more modern/updated way. Also, Coby's great grandpa's middle name was Joy and it flowed so well with Emme that we were able to finally able to commit to a name--yay! She is a very sweet baby and we were so lucky to have so many family members and loved ones there when she was born--she truly is LOVED! Although I was a little disappointed that I didn't get the VBAC I wanted, the c-section was definitely worth it to get this little sweetie here and we decided to have my tubes tied while my doc was in there already--so she will definitely be our last little bundle--or better be! True to form I was sick most of Monday and pretty doped up on a bunch medications, so a lot of that day is a big BLUR, but both little Emme and I were well taken care of.

Look at all that HAIR!!!

Mae was completely in L-O-V-E with Emme the second she saw her...

while Lu was a little overwhelmed with everything and needed a few minutes!

I just LOVE that hair!

We are so grateful to have Emme here--our family is now complete! We feel so blessed to have 3 healthy, beautiful girls and such WONDERFUL supportive family and friends! Life is GOOD!


False Alarm...

I got a call from my doctor asking if I wanted to move up my c-section from Monday, Aug. 15th to Wednesday, Aug. 10th and since nothing was happening--I JUMPED at the chance. So, Coby's parents were here and great enough to take the girls and we went out Tuesday night to celebrate out little #3 being there in the morning. Well we got up BRIGHT and EARLY and got to the hospital at 6:00am to get ready for the c-section at 8:00. When we got to the OB department, I saw the nursery all full with babies and started getting sooooooo excited to have my own there soon in just a few hours. Well, they started getting me all set up, when the nurse came in and told me they were booked FULL and would not be able to do my c-section that day. I was soooooooo disappointed and frustrated, but I also realized there was nothing they could do about it--babies come when they come-- and if they don't have the space for any more elective ones, they simply don't have the space. So me and Coby ended up leaving without a baby :( and hit up the 7-11 (not the convenience store) for a little early breakfast on our way...

On our way out the door to "have our baby"--ha!

Guess Monday it is then!