Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Battling Cabin Fever!

Winter is always hard with little ones...this year it has been even harder. Not only has it been extremely cold, but we have been constantly sick! So on Saturday when I thought no one could take being cooped up any longer, we decided to venture out to the Dinosaur Museum here in town! We've been there a few times, the last of which when I was pregnant with Lu, so I thought it was time to introduce Lu to our dinosaurs--and we had such a good time getting OUT OF THE HOUSE!!! (Don't know if the museum was really that fun or if it had just really been too long since we had gone out!) At the museum they have a movie, all the dinosaur bones and teeth and such that you would expect, but they also have this fun kids area where they can dig and look for bones, read dinosaur books and do a bunch of other stuff--the girls LOVED it!
Lu checking out some bones...
Mae and Papa digging for dino bones...
Lu was sooooo happy to be able to go on her own and run around! I don't know why I think she is so cute running around like that, but I do! She made me smile every time I looked at her!
I don't know what Mae was so excited about, but apprently something really thrilled her!
Lu peeking at something--LOVE the tippy-toes!
Just reading all about it...
Mae looking at the dino
Lu looking all serious--and SOOOOO CUTE!!!
Lu thought these were real at first and got really excited--after that I think they were a bit of a disappointment.
Checking out the wooly Mammoth! Lu was also very interested, whereas her sis was not so much...
Lu and Nana checking out the 'gators...

Dadda and his big girl (I don't think they like each other very much)!
The whole family! I wanted to get a picture by all the big dinosaurs made out of the bones, but by that point the girls were DONE letting me take pictures--oh well, next time! (I think I have this same picture the last time we were there with just Mae)
Thanks to Nana and Papa for coming with us to the Dinosaur Museum! It was a GREAT chance to get out of the house and enjoy the outside world for awhile...Little did we know, we would be rudely re-planted inside when me and Lu got sick AGAIN just that night! Oh well, it was great while it lasted!