Friday, June 11, 2010


After all the outdoor toys Mae got for her birthday, all the SWEAT we have put in to try and get our yard manageable (and yes, there is still MUCH more to do) and the pretty crappy summer we had last year with me being on bedrest, I have vowed that we will be outside as much as possible enjoying this weather before winter shows its ugly get used to outside pics--I'm sure there will be MANY to follow... Mae is still COMPLETELY in love with her "Marley-Dog" (that is what she ALWAYS calls her) and Marley is still THE BEST dog. The second you sit down, she cuddles right up and sucks up as much love as she can--which is usually A LOT when it comes to a 2 year-old!
I love this pic...This is Mae to me, too busy to worry about the mass of bangs hanging in her face to be distracted at play. Even when I do do her 'do (wow!), it never lasts long. Most days she ends up looking like a beautiful orphan. I figure she will have plenty of time the rest of her life to worry about how she looks, and so for now, I embrace her lack of vanity.

So intense...

Miss Lu...not so sure about why I am interrupting her sand-eating moment to take her pic.

Luey LOVES sitting the sandbox---she would do it all day if I let her--and her FAVORITE part is....

This is what happens when mom finally decides that eating sand might not be such a good idea...check out that tear! HEARTBREAKING!!!

My BEAUTIFUL Lu--even with sand on her face! What an ANGEL!!! (at least from the hours of 8:00am-8:00pm. After that, its anyone's guess!)
Seriously, could my life get any better??? I think not! I love my life more than I ever thought possible! I live with my best friend who works so hard and takes such good care of us--not to mention, someone I THOROUGHLY enjoy being around--a VERY good quality in a marriage I think. Plus, I get to wake up every day and play, play, play with my girls! This is such a fun stage and I find myself wishing I could freeze these moments because they are all too fleeting. Maybe this is how every mother feels, but I am so afraid of the day when I will wake up and they will be grown and gone and not need their Mom like they do now. Our days are such whirlwinds that I know that day will come WAY TOO SOON! So for now, I relish every moment I get to be with these sweeties! I sometimes get frustrated when I can't keep the house clean and I end up cleaning in about 10 times in a day or the craziness that our life sometimes is, but when I really think there will be plenty of time to have a spotless house when my girls are older and in these years that go by so fast, I want my children to remember the special times we were able to have and not so much the time or energy we put in to keeping the house clean. I truly feel so blessed! MAE & LU--I AM SO GRATEFUL TO BE YOUR MOM!!! I LOVE YOU MORE THAN I COULD HAVE EVER IMAGINED!!!


Sarah said...

Yay for the great outdoors! And sand eating! Hope you have a wonderful summer outdoors!

Travis & Shauna Snow said...

I still can't believe she likes the sand! What an awful texture!