The last part in February we ventured to the land of Ogden to make a visit to see my family. Me and the girls ended up staying through the next week and had such a fun time visiting--there is never a dull moment!
I love this pic of Mae laying there willey nilley listening to Grandma Barbara read her a cute!
Anytime we are in Ogden we HAVE to make a trip to the mall so that Mae can play on the indoor playground equipment there. Not having a mall in Vernal or anywhere like this, this is a BIG deal to Mae and she takes it very seriously!
The carousel...
P.S. Thanks to whatever mom decided to bring her sick kid toplay on the equipment...a puking kid and a 3 hr car ride home make for a fun time!
Also while we were there, we made a trip down to SLC for what started out to be a visit to the Zoo, but quickly turned into the aquarium with the storm that hit while we were on the road. We had never been there before though and Mae has been obsessed with "Nemo" lately, so it was a good trade!
What trip to O-Town would be complete without a visit with my AMAZING friends! Since I pretty much have a babysitter anytime I want when we go to Ogden, Me, El-Say, Ho and Aimee got together for a well-needed girls night out.
And again with that nasty pizza picture! One of these days I will get even! But I guess I still like you and am glad we got to play! Until next time...
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